If you are an IAS Career aspirant, you would realize that cracking is by no means any child's play. It involves a lot of hard work, which has to be put systematically and disciplined. It is more so in the IAS Mains section, where they're all subjective papers. So, it requires months of preparation in a very disciplined way. The competition is massive since you would be amongst the lakhs of candidates who appear for the exam every year, and only less than a thousand are selected. To make your career dream come true, you have to go about it in a very well-planned manner.
IAS Coaching is it necessary?
When you are preparing for the IAS exams, you are almost confronted with a very common question. It is whether coaching for cracking the IAS exam necessary. Some candidates try to toil on their own and feel that spending money on IAS coaching is a waste of money. However, at the same time, one can reject the benefits received from reliable IAS Coaching. It includes distinct benefits like a well-planned and well-designed course structure, which helps with the timely preparations. Apart from this, it enables to keep the candidates' motivation high and thus allows them to put in a disciplined effort.
The best part about availing of IAS Coaching is that most top institutes conduct mock test series. These are very helpful for prospective candidates. The reason is that they get to be familiar with the exam pattern and also the exam environment. It does a world of good to their confidence and significantly brightens the chances of getting selected.
If you are now seriously pursuing your IAS dream, we are sure that you would leave no stone unturned for your success. Thus, if undergoing coaching can help with your selection process, does it not make sense to go the extra mile and do the same.
Choice of Sociology as an optional subject
You would know that an optional subject need to be chosen in the IAS Mains category, where there are two papers, each carrying 250 marks. A total of 500 marks here could be one of the keys to your chances of selection. Thus, it would help if you considered this seriously.
Out of the subjects like Geography, History, Public Administration, Political Science and International Relations, and Sociology, and other subjects, Sociology is a popular choice. It is on account of various factors like the Sociology course being short and static, which makes the preparations easier. At the same time, you have to study Indian art and culture, which is vital for IAS preparation.
Taking up Sociology therefore helps. It is also highly scoring if you prepare well. Thus, Sociology could be a good optional subject for you too. But just that you have chosen the right IAS optional subject by itself in no way guarantees success. You have to prepare well for it as well. Here again, availing of the best IAS Coaching could be the stepping stone for your success. But if you have taken Sociology IAS optional subject and also looking for the best coaching in Delhi, the options are many. Most of them make tall claims.
However, you need to be careful about your choice.
Choose the one that has a good reputation.
The first and foremost thing you need to do while choosing the best Sociology Coaching in Delhi is to select the one with a good name. It should have been providing consistent performance and must have an impressive track record of successful candidates.
Have the best trainers
It is common sense to know that the quality of any coaching institute almost entirely depends on the quality of the trainers who teach. They play a vital role in the student's success. They act as their guide, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, they help their students to stay highly motivated and always focused. It helps in a big way to enhance the performance of the students. So, make sure the IAS Coaching Institute you join has the best trainers.
Conduct the best Sociology Test Series
Whether it is Sociology or any other subject, one significant benefit of attending IAS coaching is the mock tests they conduct. It would help you get familiar with the exam pattern, and also, you get a feel of the exam environment. Following these tests, you can analyze your progress in consultation with the trainers at the coaching. They would guide you and help you work on your weaker points, and utilize your strengths.
To conclude, we can say that if you can choose the right IAS Coaching Center, it would help you in a big way. Here’s wishing you all the very best for your preparation.